Technical reports 1996
- Lund, K., O.B.G. Madsen , J.M. Rygaard: Vehicle routing problems with varying degrees of dynamism. (21 pp.)
- Albertsen, N.C. , S. Christiansen, K. Pontoppidan, S.B. Sørensen: Mathematical treatment of an adjustable surface formed by a fabric of interwoven flexible wires. (31 pp.)
- Sadegh, P.:
Constrained optimization via stochastic approximation with a simultaneous perturbation gradient
approximation. (10 pp.)
- Hansen, A.D. and N.K. Poulsen:
Tracking keeping systems with predictive control (26 pp.)
- Barker, V.A.: Computing connection coefficient. (16 pp.)
- Thyregod, P.: Statistisk vurdering af analysemateriale. (45 pp.)
- Kulikov, G.Y. and Per Grove Thomsen: Convergence and implementation of implicit runge-kutta methods for DAEs (29 p.)
- Kulikov, G.Y.: Convergence results for iterative implicit multistep methods with fixed step size. (37 pp.)
- Christiansen, S. and R.E. Kleinman: On a misconception involving point collocation and the rayleigh hypothesis (II) (28 pp.)
- Hansen, A.D. and N.K. Poulsen. Predictive control relevant prefiltering (40 pp.)
- Jørgensen, C., O.B.G. Madsen and H. Ravn: Parallel implementations of optimal feedback solutions of a discrete time stochastic problem (11 pp.)
- Jørgensen, C. and H.F. Ravn: Optimal feedback solution: a constrained stochastic one-storage model. (26 pp.)
- Kulikov, G.Y.: Modern theory of symmetric one-step methods for ODEs.
(17 pp.)
- Ekblom, H. og H.B. Nielsen: A comparison of eigth algorithms for computing m-Estimates. (14 pp.)
- Albertsen, N.C.: Diffraction by a quarterplane of the field from a halfwave dipole. (18 pp.)
- Søren Christiansen: On the elastostatic significance of four boundary integrals involving biharmonic functions.
- C. Bendtsen and O. Stauning: FADBAD. A flexible C++ package for automatic differentiation.
- Ole Stauning: Enclosing solutions of ordinary differential equations : With applications
- Ole Caprani, Kaj Madsen
and Ole Stauning: Enclosing Solutions of Integral Equations
- Lars H. Hansen: Dynamic analysis of a low energy test house and a central heating system. (41 pp.)
- Hans Bruun Nielsen: Bound constrained quadratic programmering solved via piecewise quadratic functions: implementation. (33 pp.)
- Søren Christiansen:
Derivation and investigation of three direct boundary integral equations for the fundamental biharmonic problem. (26 pp.)
- Ma Xin and Niels K. Poulsen: Adaptive extremum control. (44 pp.)
- Judith L. Jacobsen: Technology management of the transfer of knowledge within stochastic modelling. (35 pp.)
- Pedro Castro Borges, and Rene Victor Valqui Vidal : Fixed Channel Assignment in Cellular Mobile Telecommunication Systems - Using packed patterns to reduce the search space
- Spliid, H.: Lineær kalibrering og detektionsevne.(12 pp.)
- Spliid, H.: Ruggedness test for measuring procedures. - An example. (22 pp.)
- Spliid, H.: Statistical design of experiments. (17 pp.)
- Per S. Hansen: A survey of some ISO standards of relevance to simulation. (28 pp.)
- Per S. Hansen, S.B. Sørensen, Ole Mærsk-Møller: Correcting for off-centre, anamorphic, non-planar projection. (20 pp.)