Ph.d.-Theses 1994-2003, DTU-IMM

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  1. Rasmus Larsen (1994).
    Estimation of visual motion in image sequences. (xiv + 143 pp.)
  2. Jens Moberg Rygard (1994).
    Design and optimization of flexible manufacturing systems. (xiii + 232 pp.)
  3. Niels Christian Krieger Lassen (1994).
    Automated determination of crystal orientations from electron backscattering patterns. (xv + 136 pp.)
  4. Henrik Melgaard (1994).
    Identification of physical models. (xvii + 246 pp.)
  5. Chunyan Wang (1994).
    Stochastic differential equations and a biological system. (xxii + 153 pp.)
  6. Allan Aasbjerg Nielsen (1994).
    Analysis of regularly and irregularly sampled spatial, multivariate, and multi-temporal data. (xxiv + 213 pp.
  7. Annette Kjær Ersbøll (1994).
    On the spatial and temporal correlations in experimentation with agricultural applications. (xviii + 345 pp.)
  8. Dorte Møller (1994).
    Methods for analysis and design of heterogeneous telecommunication networks. (Volume 1-2, xxxviii) + 282 pp., 283-569 pp.)
  9. Jens Christian Jensen (1995).
    Teoretiske og eksperimentelle dynamiske undersøgelser af jernbanekøretøjer. ATV Erhvervsforskerprojekt EF 435. (viii + 174 pp.)
  10. Lionel Kuhlmann (l995).
    On automatic visual inspection of reflective surfaces. ATV Erhvervsforskerprojekt EF 385. (volume 1, xviii + 220 pp. Volume 2, vi + 54 pp.)
  11. Nikoloas Lazarides (1995).
    Nonlinearity in superconductivity and Josephson Junctions. (iv + 154 pp.)
  12. Morten Rostgaard (1995).
    Modelling, estimation and control of fast sampled dynamical systems. (xiv + 348 pp.)
  13. Nette Schultz (1995).
    Segmentation and classification of biological objects. (xiv + 194 pp.)
  14. Michael Finn Jørgensen (1995).
    Nonlinear Hamiltonian systems. (xiv + 120 pp.
  15. Susanne M. Balle (1995).
    Distributed-memory matrix computations. (iii + 101 pp.)
  16. Niklas Kohl (1995).
    Exact methods for time constrained routing and related scheduling problems. (xviii + 234 pp.)
  17. Thomas Rogon (1995).
    Porous media: Analysis, reconstruction and percolation. (xiv + 165 pp.)
  18. Allan Theodor Andersen. (1995).
    Modelling of packet traffic with matrix analytic methods. (xvi + 242 pp.)
  19. Jan Hesthaven. (1995).
    Numerical studies of unsteady coherent structures and transport in two-dimensional flows. Risø-R-835(EN) (203 pp.)
  20. Eva Charlotte Slivsgaard (l995).
    On the interaction between wheels and rails in railway dynamics. (viii + 196 pp.
  21. Karsten Hartelius (1996).
    Analysis of irregularly distributed points. (xvi + 260 pp.)
  22. Anca Daniela Hansen (1996).
    Predictive control and identification. Applications to steering dynamics. (xviii + 307 pp.)
  23. Payman Sadegh (1996).
    Experiment design and optimization in complex systems. (162 pp.)
  24. Ulrik Skands (1996).
    Quantitative methods for the analysis of electron microscope images. (198 pp.)
  25. Morten Bro-Nielsen (1996).
    Medical image registration and surgery simulation. (xxvii + 274 pp.)
  26. Claus Bendtsen (1996).
    Parallel numerical algorithms for the solution of systems of ordinary differential equations (viii + 79 pp.)
  27. Morten Bach Lauritsen (1997).
    Delta-domain predictive control and identification for control. (xxii + 292 pp.)
  28. Svend Bischoff (1997).
    Modelling colliding-pulse mode-locked semiconductor lasers. (xxii + 217 pp.)
  29. Karsten Arnbjerg-Nielsen. (1997).
    Statistical analysis of urban hydrology with special emphasis on rainfall modelling. (xiv + 161 pp.)
  30. Judith L. Jacobsen (1997)
    Dynamic modelling of processes in rivers affected by precipitation runoff. (xix + 215 pp.)
  31. Helle M. Sommer (1997).
    Variability in microbiological degradation experiments, analysis and case study. (xiv + 211 pp.)
  32. Xin Ma (1997).
    Adaptive extremum control and wind turbine control. (xix + 293 pp.)
  33. Kim Ø. Rasmussen (1997).
    Nonlinear and stochastic dynamics of coherent structures. (215 pp.)
  34. Lars Henrik Hansen (1997).
    Stochastic modelling of central heating systems. (xxii + 301 pp.)
  35. Claus Jørgensen (1997).
    Driftsoptimering på kraftvarmesystemer. (290 pp.)
  36. Ole Stauning (1997).
    Automatic validation of numerical solutions. (116 pp.)
  37. Morten With Pedersen (1997).
    Optimization of recurrent neural networks for time series modeling. (x + 322 pp.)
  38. Rune Thorsen (1997).
    Restoration of hand function in tetraplegics using myoelectrically controlled functional electrical stimulation of the controlling muscle. (viii + 141 pp. + appendix.)
  39. Anders Rosholm (1997).
    Statistical methods for segmentation and classification of images. (xiv + 181 pp.)
  40. Kim Tilgaard Petersen (1997).
    Estimation of speech quality in telecommunication systems. (xii + 259 pp.)
  41. Carsten Nordstrøm Jensen (1997).
    Nonlinear systems with discrete and continuous elements. (205 pp.)
  42. Peter S.K. Hansen (1997).
    Signal subspace methods for speech enhancement. (214 pp.)
  43. Ole Møller Nielsen (1998).
    Wavelets in scientific computing. (xiv + 230 pp.)
  44. Ulrik Kjems (1998).
    Bayesian signal processing and interpretation of brain scans. (iv + 125 pp.)
  45. Michael P. Hansen (1998).
    Metaheuristics for multiple objective combinatorial optimization. (x + 163 pp.)
  46. Søren K. Riis (1998).
    Hidden markov models and neural networks for speech recognition. (x + 223 pp.)
  47. Niels Jacob Sand Mørch (1998).
    A multivariate approach to functional neuro modeling. (xvi + 147 pp.)
  48. Ib Frydendal (1998).
    Quality inspection of sugar beets using vision. (iv + 97 pp. + app.)
  49. Lars Kristian Lundin (1998).
    Parallel computation of rotating flows. (viii + 106 pp.)
  50. Pedro Borges (1998).
    Multicriteria planning and optimization - Heuristic approaches. (x + 218 pp.)
  51. Jakob Birkedal Nielsen (1998).
    New developments in the theory of wheel/rail contact mechanics. (xviii + 223 pp.)
  52. Torben Fog (1998).
    Condition monitoring and fault diagnosis in marine diesel engines. (xii + 178 pp.)
  53. Ole Knudsen Neckelmann (1998).
    Industrial vision. (xii + 129 pp.)
  54. Jens Strodl Andersen (1998).
    Statistical analysis of biotests - Applied to complex polluted samples. (xx + 207 pp.)
  55. Peter Alshede Philipsen (1998).
    Reconstruction and restoration of PET images. (vi + 134 pp.)
  56. Uffe Høgsbro Thygesen. (1998).
    Robust performance and dissipation of stochastic control systems. (185 pp.)
  57. Mads Hintz-Madsen (1998).
    A probabilistic framework for classification of dermatoscopic images. (xi + 153 pp.)
  58. Karina Schramm-Nielsen (1998).
    Environmental reference materials methods and case studies. (xxvi + 261 pp.)
  59. Ole Skyggebjerg (1999).
    Acquisition and analysis of complex dynamic intra- and intercellular signaling events. (83 pp.)
  60. Kaare Jean Jensen (1999).
    Signal processing for distribution network monitoring. (x + 140 pp.)
  61. Jørgen Folm-Hansen (1999).
    On chromatic and geometrical calibration. (xiv + 241 pp.)
  62. Jesper Larsen (1999).
    Parallelization of the vehicle routing problem with time windows. (xx + 266 pp.)
  63. Carl Balslev Clausen (1999).
    Spatial solitons in quasi-phase matched struktures. (flere pag.)
  64. Trine Kvist (1999).
    Statistical modelling of fish stocks. (xiv + 175 pp.)
  65. Per R. Andresen (1999).
    Surface-bounded growth modeling applied to human mandibles. (xxii + 116 pp.)
  66. Sørensen, Per Settergren. (1999).
    Spatial distribution maps for benthic communities.
  67. Helle Andersen (1999).
    Statistical models for standardized preclinical studies. (viii + flere pag.)
  68. Lars Nonboe Andersen (1999).
    Signal processing in the Dolphin sonar system. (xii + 214 pp.)
  69. Henrik Bechmann (1999).
    Modelling of wastewater systems. (xvi ii + 161 pp.)
  70. Henrik Aalborg Nielsen. (1999).
    Parametric and non-parametric system modelling. (xviii + 207 pp.)
  71. Claus Gramkow (1999).
    2D and 3D object measurement for control and quality assurance in the industry. (xxv + 236 pp.)
  72. Jan Nygaard Nielsen (1999).
    Stochastic modelling of dynamic systems. (225 pp.)
  73. Allan Larsen (2000).
    The dynamic vehicle routing problem. (xvi + 183 pp.)
  74. Søren Halkjær (2000).
    Elastic wave propagation in anisotropic inhomogeneous materials. (xiv + 133 pp.)
  75. Theis Leth Larsen (2000).
    Phosphorus diffusion in float zone silicon crystal growth. (viii + 119 pp.)
  76. Kai Dirscherl (2000).
    Online correction of scanning probe microscopes with pixel accuracy. (152 pp.)
  77. Rune Fisker (2000).
    Making deformable template models operational. (xix+210 pp.)
  78. Tim Helge Hultberg (2000).
    Topics in computational linear optimization. (xiv+180 pp.)
  79. Klaus Kaae Andersen (2001).
    Stochastic modelling of energy systems. (xiv+191 pp.)
  80. Peter Thyregod (2001).
    Modelling and monitoring in injection molding. (xvi+132 pp.)
  81. Jens Schjødt-Eriksen (2001).
    Arresting of collapse in inhomogeneous and ultrafast Kerr media.
  82. Jens Christian Bennetsen (2000). Numerical simulation of turbulent airflow in livestock buildings. (xi + 205 pp + appendix)
  83. Pedro A.d.F.R. Højen-Sørensen (2001). Approximating methods for intractable probabilistic models. Applications in neuroscience. xi + 104 pp + appendix.
  84. Torben Skov Nielsen (2002). On-line prediction and control in non-linear stochastic systems. xviii + 242 pp.
  85. Henrik Öjelund (2001). Multivariate calibration of chemical sensors. xviii + 184 pp.
  86. Pernille Thorup Adeler (2001). Hemodynamic simulation of the heart using a 2D model and MR data. xv + 180 pp.
  87. Finn Årup Nielsen (2001). Neuroinformatics in functional neuroimaging. 330 pp.
  88. Preben Kidmose (2001). Blind separation of heavy tail signals. viii + 136 pp.
  89. Klaus Baggesen Hilger (2001). Exploratory analysis of multivariate data. xxiv + 186 pp.
  90. Anton Antonov (2001). Object-oriented framework for large scale air pollution models. 156 pp. + (flere pagineringer).
  91. Mikael Zebbelin Poulsen (2001). Practical analysis of DAEs. 130 pp.
  92. Maarten Keijzer (2001). Scientific discovery using genetic programming.
  93. Karam Sidaros (2002). Slice profile effects in MR perfusion imaging using pulsed arterial spin labelling. xi + 202 pp.
  94. Thomas Kolenda (2002). Adaptive tools in virtual environments: Independent component analysis for multimedia. xiii + 117 pp.
  95. Ann-Charlotte Berglund (2002). Nonlinear regularization with applications in geophysics. xiii + 116 pp.
  96. Lars Pedersen. (2002). Analysis of two-dimensional electrophoresis gel images. xxii + 161 pp.
  97. Thomas Marthedal Rasmussen. (2002). Interval logic - Proof theory and theorem proving. xii + 150 pp.
  98. Dorte Vistisen (2002). Models and methods for hot spot safety work. ix + 168 pp.
  99. Camilla Madsen (2002). Statistical methods for assessment of blend homogeneity. xviii + 246 pp.
  100. Hans Holten-Lund (2002). Design for scalability in 3D computer graphics architectures. x + 169 pp.
  101. Morten Bache (2002). Quantum noise and spatio-temporal pattern formation in nonlinear optics. ix + 123 pp
  102. Thomas Jacob Kjær Stidsen (2002). Optimisation problems in optical network design. xii + 55 + app.
  103. Irene Klærke Andersen (2002). Dynamic contrast enhanced MRI for perfusion quantification. iv + 181 pp.
  104. Fujie Xia (2002). The dynamics of the three-piece-freight truck. x + 205 pp.
  105. Steffen Kjær Johansen (2002). All-optical signal processing in quadratic nonlinear materials.
  106. Martin Erik Nyeland (2002). Sampling strategy and statistical modelling of exposure. viii} + 39 + appendix.
  107. Özgün Paker (2002). Low power digital signal processing. x + 122 pp.
  108. Thomas Espelund Pedersen (2002). Statistical analysis of the reliability of complex systems for maintenance planning.
  109. Alfred Joensen (2002). Short-term wind power prediction. xxiv + 256 pp.
  110. Henrik Bredmose (2003). Deterministic modelling of water waves in the frequency domain.
  111. Jacob Søndergaard (2003). Optimization using surrogate models - By the space mapping technique. xiv + 203 pp.
  112. Magnus Hindsberger (2003). Interconnected hydro-thermal systems. Models, methods and applications. xii + 246 pp.
  113. Dorte Rehm (2003). Hiearchial modeling of bioassays. xx + 134 pp.

Finn Kuno Christensen,