9:00 Reception and laud 9:30 Peter Gorm Larsen, *The evolution of VDM Tools from the 1990s to 2015 and the influence of CAMILA* 10:00 Cliff Jones, *Possible values: exploring a concept for concurrency* 10:30 Coffee break 11:00 Ralf Hinze, *Equational reasoning with lollipops, forks, cups, caps, snakes, and speedometers* 11:30 Tarmo Uustalu, *A divertimento on MonadPlus and nondeterminism* 12:00 Jeremy Gibbons, *Kernels, in a nutshell* 12:30 Lunch 14:00 Gilles Barthe, *Product programs and relational program logics* 14:30 Michael Winter, *Dependencies in relational models of databases* 15:00 Hugo Macedo, *Gaussian elimination is not optimal, revisited* 15:30 Bernhard Moller, *An extension for feature algebra* 16:00 Coffee break 16:30 Bernhard Aichernig, *Does this fault lead to failure? Combining refinement and input-output conformance checking in fault-oriented test-case generation* 17:00 Raymond Boute, *Why mathematics needs engineering* 17:30 Dines Bjorner, *A new foundation for Computing Sciences - A research and experimental engineering programme* 20:00 Celebration Dinner at Casa dos Pombais, Guimar=C3=A3es.
In the circle: our hotel May 31 -- June 2, 2015
Dines Bjorner 2015-12-04