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MIMO and Multi User Detection in Wireless Communication Work Shop May 29 2002

Held at
Technical University of Denmark
Informatics and Mathematical Modelling
Richard Petersens Plads
Building 321, room 053
2800 Lyngby

We have two sessions, the first before lunch on MIMO the second after lunch on Multi User Detection. These two sessions will be held open for public, so we will sent out the program on the IEEE - Denmark and a local DTU mailing list. After these two sessions we have reserved time for a plenum discussion only attended by the speakers.

The program is as follows:
        09.30 - 09.55: Kit Withers: "Channel Capacity For MIMO Systems with 
		       Multiple Frequencies and Delay Spread". 
        10.00 - 10.25: Professor Bernard Fleury: "Small-Scale Short-Term 
                       Characterization of Radio Channels for MIMO Applications".
        10.25 - 10.35: Break
        10.35 - 11.00: Pedro Højen-Sørensen: "On Blind Detection in Flat Fading 
                       MIMO Channels". 
        11.05 - 11.30: Kåre Jensen: "Spatial Channel Modeling".
        11.35 - 12.00: Professor Lars Kai Hansen: "Why Bayes is optimal, but we 
                       still have to pay for lunch".
        12.00 - 13.00: Break
        13.00 - 13.25: Alexander Kocian: "Joint Channel Estimation and Data 
                       Detection in DS/CDMA Using the SAGE Algorithm".
        13.30 - 13.55: Ole Winther: "CDMA demodulation: What we can learn from 
                       statistical physics - large scale analysis and algorithms".
        14.00 - 14.25: Thomas Fabricius:  "Multi User Detection in CDMA".

$Id: 20020529MIMO.html,v 1.1 2002/05/16 14:12:31 fnielsen Exp $, © 2002, IMM DTU