Copenhagen Image and Signal Processing
Graduate School

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Past events 2001

Talk 2001 december 18 IMM DTU 321, DSP section - A planned talk by Anibal Figueiras. Organized by Lars Kai Hansen.
PhD talk 2001 december 6, 13:15 IMM DTU 321/053 EXPLORATORY ANALYSIS OF MULTIVARIATE DATA. Unsupervised Image Segmentation and Data Driven Linear and Nonlinear Decomposition. PhD talk by Klaus Baggesen Hilger
Symposium 2001 november 30, 9:00-17:00. Udvalgsværelse nr. 3, 1. sal, Nørregade 10, Københavns Universitet. Visual Cognition and Neuroscience One-day symposium organized by Søren Kyllingsbæk with, e.g., Russell Epstein "fMRI studies of visual scene representation".
Talk 2001 november 29 IMM DTU 321, DSP section - A talk by Michael Biehl. Organized by Lars Kai Hansen.
Course 2001 nov 20 - 21 IMM, DTU Statistical Shape Analysis Ph.D. course given by Ian Dryden. Based on the book by himself and Kanti Mardia. The course will include computer exercises.
Talk 2001 Nov 13, 15:30 NRU, Rigshospitalet Analyse af data fra BrainMap databasen Finn Årup Nielsen: Data mining in a neuroscientific database reveals errors and non-conforming terminology. Abstract in HTML, Poster. See also FIG meeting list
Course 2001 nov 5 - 11 IMM DTU, Building 321, room 053 Unsupervised Learning Ph.D. course given by Zoubin Ghahramani and Carl Edward Rasmussen
Reading 2001 oct 30, 13:00 DSP IMM DTU, Building 321, room 120 (circa) Relevance Vector Machines Reading group organized by Joaquin Quiñonero Candela
Talk 2001 oct 25, 10:00 IMM DTU Measurements of vessel with and generalized artiolar narrowing using active contour models Talk by image group IMM DTU

$Id: pastevents2001.html,v 1.2 2004/01/07 11:04:40 fnielsen Exp $, © 2001, 2002, IMM DTU