
Jørgen Fischer Nilsson

Description: Description: Description: \\www2.imm.dtu.dk\jfni\public_html\JFN4-24-04-2010.JPG

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

Mail address:
DTU Compute
DTU Building 321-322
DK-2800 Lyngby

Build.room: 322.015

Email: jfni@dtu.dk

Phone: +45   4525 3730

Fax: +45  4593 0074

Professor of computing science at DTU Informatics
at the Technical University of Denmark.

General research interests:
Knowledge representation and  knowledge engineering.
Logic programming, applicationns of logic in artificial intelligence.

Specific current research interests:

Slides for UNILOG10, Lisboa: Diagrammatic Reasoning with CRL

CRL Diagram System

Courses: (Info to participants  at DTU Campusnet)

02180 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (spring terms)

02281 Data Logic (spring terms)

02284 Knowledge Based Systems (fall term even years)

Last update December 20, 2013