Tutorial Proposals DATES December, 15, 2001 for tutorial proposals. GOAL AND SCOPE The XP2001 tutorial program provides conference participants the opportunity to gain new insights, knowledge, and skills in topics related to extreme Programming and Flexible Processes. Participants may include software developers, managers, teachers, researchers, and students. Tutorials are an independent instruction on a self-contained topic of relevance to XP and Flexible Processes. Therefore no commercial or sales-oriented presentations will be accepted. We encourage tutorial proposals that provide clear utility to practitioners, especially innovative tutorials, which depart from lecture style delivery, and tutorials on highly advanced topics in lightweight processes. Tutorials are presented in half-day (3-hour) or full-day sessions (6-hour), primarily during the first day of the conference. Accepted tutorials will run only if there is enough attendance. Tutorial presenters will receive a complementary conference pass (one per tutorial), travel expense coverage up to a given maximum, and an honorarium depending on the number of participants. HOW TO SUBMIT A tutorial proposal should include: · Tutorial title and summary (used in advance program) · Duration (full- or half-day), aims and audience · Content outline · Presenter resume with contact information · Examples of supporting material Tutorial proposals should be submitted electronically in either of the following formats: · Adobe Portable Document Format · Postscript · HTML Each tutorial proposal will be evaluated on its anticipated benefit for prospective participants and its fit within the tutorial program as a whole. Factors to be considered also include: relevance, timeliness, importance, and audience appeal; suitability for presentation in a half- or full-day tutorial format; effectiveness of teaching methods; and qualifications of the instructor(s). Submit proposals via e-mail to: michele@diee.unica.it