
Class Description

CDImageMorphology is a templated class derived from CVisImage. The template takes a single argument specifying the pixel type (TPixel).

Currently only separable flat-square kernels are available. Later versions will support separable (flat) rectangular kernels and arbitrary non-separable kernels represented as images (including complex and RGB).

Also included will be greyscale reconstruction, watersheds, h-domes, ultimate erotion and other morphological operations.



CDImageMorphology (void)

Default constructor. The image parameters are uninitialized and the instance is unusable until an image array is assigned.
    (int width, int height,
     int nbands = 1,
     int imopts = evisimoptDefault,
     BYTE *pbData = 0)

   (SIZE size,
     int nbands = 1,
     int imopts = evisimoptDefault,
     BYTE *pbData = 0)

    (const RECT& rect,
     int nbands = 1,
     int imopts = evisimoptDefault,
     BYTE *pbData = 0)

    (const CVisShape& shape,
     int imopts = evisimoptDefault,
     BYTE *pbData = 0)

Construct an image with the specified dimensions, number of bands, and options.

If pbData is zero, allocate the memory needed. If pbData is not zero, use the memory it points to.
    (CVisMemBlock& memblock,
     int width, int height,
     int nbands = 1,
     int imopts = evisimoptDefault)

    (CVisMemBlock& memblock,
     SIZE size,
     int nbands = 1,
     int imopts = evisimoptDefault)

    (CVisMemBlock& memblock,
     const RECT& rect,
     int nbands = 1,
     int imopts = evisimoptDefault)

    (CVisMemBlock& memblock,
     const CVisShape& shape,
     int imopts = evisimoptDefault)

Construct an image with the specified dimensions, number of bands, and options.

No new memory is allocated. The image points to the memblock supplied.
    (const CDImageMorphology<TPixel>& imageSrc)

Construct an image from another image.
Argument Description
width width of image
height height of image
rect reference to a RECT structure
shape reference to a CVisShape instance specifying image properties
memblock reference to a MemBlock instance
imageSrc reference to an Image instance
nbands number of bands in image
imopts EVisImOpt image options. Options can be OR'ed.





void Erode(DWORD dwSize)
Performs morphological greylevel erodion, which corresponds to local minimum within the structuring element (here: a flat square).
Argument Description
dwSize Side length of  the square structuring element.



void Dilate(DWORD dwSize);

Performs morphological greylevel erodion, which corresponds to local minimum within the structuring element (here: a flat square).

Argument Description
dwSize Side length of  the square structuring element.


void Open(DWORD dwSize)
Performs morphological greylevel Opening, which corresponds to an Erodion followed by a Dilation with the same strucuting element.
Argument Description
dwSize Side length of  the square structuring element.



void Close(DWORD dwSize);

Performs morphological greylevel Closing, which corresponds to a Dilation followed by a Erotion with the same structuring element..

Argument Description
dwSize Side length of  the square structuring element.
Copyright, 1999
Section for Image Analysis
Department of Mathematical Modelling
Technical University of Denmark
DK-2800 Lyngby

Authors: Søren Falch Jørgensen

Last updated: 03-05-99