Running PET modules stand-alone

PET consists of several modules that can be run stand alone. These modules are written in C. The interaction of the different modules in shown in the figure. And the procedure can be summarized by the following steps:

Extract the netlist from the layout (i.e. file [nle])

Run PET analyze on the netlist [nle]

Add file [mon] to the input stimuli (generate file [csm])

Run COMPASS sim and obtain file [trc]

Run PET ttgen to generate file [trn]

Run PET calpot to calculate the power dissipation


analyze reads the extracted netlist and determines the output load for each cell of the circuit. It also provides to COMPASS sim the labels of the nodes to monitor. The files read are:

The files produced are:

All these references are resolved by calpot.


COMPASS sim generates a simulation output file [trc] in tabular format. ttgen (transitions table generator) reads this file and create a transitions table [trn]. In this table each label/node is associated with the number of transitions occurred at that node during the simulation.


calpot calculates the power dissipated in the unit under test. The files read are:

Power dissipation is given in mW (milli-watt).


ppcal (partial power calculator) reads in a table in [calpot] format and computes the power dissipated by the unit (or sub-circuit) described by the table. The files read are:

The following modules are not directly involved in the power calculation, but are used to properly set up the working environment.


makePinLib (make pin library file) builds a file containing the mapping of output pins and the capacitance of the inputs for each cell of the library, from a more human readable description of the Standard Cell library. For more detail click here.


mkmp (make make-partial) reads a suitable [inst] file and generates an executable C-shell script as standard output. This script generates the partial calpot tables [calpot] for the instances contained in the unit under test. For more detail click here.

Copyright ©1996 Alberto Nannarelli, All Rights Reserved. Last Modified: Jul 8, 1996