a2h - `rectangular' ASCII data to IMM defined irregular HIPS format
acf - autocovariance function
asc2hips - transform a data-set in ASCII-format to a HIPS-file
bigextract - extract a subimage without loading the entire image
bil - bandinterleaving by line
bmp2hips - converts from Windows bmp-format to HIPS.
cbdilate - coefficient dilation on binary images.
cberode - coefficient erosion on binary images.
changehdr - change value of header-field.
cobjects - labelling objects and removing objects below a specified size.
crossv - calculate cross-covariance or crossv-semivariance matrices of a dataset in the IMSOR defined irregular format
cubic - performs interpolation by cubic convolution
decorr - RGB to min/max autocorrelation factors, stretch MAFs, MAFs to RGB
deriche - a recursive implementation of the Canny-filter (without thresholding)
distmin - calculates global distances in binary images - DISTANCE TRANSFORMATION.
equalpoints - exclude coincident points in IMSOR defined irregular format file
erdas2hips - ERDAS 7.4 files to HIPS-2 IMM defined BIL format
fhist - stretch float images for display
fmedian - apply a median filter to an image
framecut - cut a frame into more frames
fradd, frsub, frdif, frmul, frdiv, frmin, frmax - perform pointwise operations
gauss - generate Gaussian filter
glcm - compute gray level cooccurrence matrix (GLCM) and GLCM features
grad - generate Gaussian gradient filter
grow - coefficient dilation on byte images without merging features.
headfield - return value of header-field.
hips2gslib - turn a HIPS file into a GSLIB/Geo-EAS file
hips2imf - converts an image from HIPS to ContextVision GOP-302 format
hips2pcl - converts a binary image for printing on an HP Laserjet printer.
hips2tga - converts an image from HIPS to TrueVision's TGA format
hips_imm - IMM HIPS programs freely distributed
hips_imsor - IMM HIPS programs in public domain
histinfo - print histogram information of byte sequence
histo2d - 2-D Histogram of combinations on 2 images with several classes
histobe - histogram match to beta distribution
hole_fill - Filling out small "holes" in binary objects.
ihs2rgb - transform a 3-frame sequence from IHS to RGB
ihsdecorr - RGB to IHS, stretch S, IHS to RGB
imf2hips - converts from ContextVision GOP-302 format to HIPS.
irr2reg - transform HIPS-file of the IMSOR-defined irregular format to regular HIPS-image
isolate - coefficient erosion on binary images without deleting features completely.
linemeans - calculate mean (or sum) and variance across each image line
merode, mdilate, mopen, mclose - perform gray level morphological operations
mgradient - perform gray level morphological gradient operation
mwtophat, mbtophat - perform gray level morphological tophat operations
patchwork - patch an image from a sequence
pcdecorr - RGB to principal components, stretch PCs, PCs to RGB
polyextract - extract a polygon-shaped subpicture
prncpl - estimate principal components of a multi-frame image
quantile - apply a quantile filter to an image
raw2hips - converts a raw byte image to HIPS-format by guessing the number of rows and columns.
reduce_simp - reduce a sequence by leaving out rows and columns
reg2irr - transform regular HIPS-image to HIPS-file of the IMSOR defined irregular format
rgb2ihs - transform multiples of three frames from RGB to IHS
rotate_irr - rotate an IMM defined irregular HIPS sequence
saturate - saturate, standardize and stretch linearly
scale_all - scale a sequence of images
spam - spectral angle mapper
spinexch - Simulate binary Markov random fields using the Metropolis spin-exchange algorithm algorithm
standard - standardize (normalize) a sequence of frames
subseq3 - extract a 3-frame subsequence
subseq5 - extract a 5-frame subsequence
swap - swap bytes in image
taper - perform tapering to be used prior to Fourier transformation
tga2hips - converts from TrueVision's TGA format to HIPS.