anandan - calculates Optical Flow
binfractile - performs a very fast local fractile on a binary HIPS image sequence
catchment - calculate Delaunay Triangulation for a set of catchment-areas.
cloude - Cloude decomposition of comlex polarimetric radar signal
cokrig - perform cokriging on data-set consisting of irregular distributed points.
cokrig - perform cokriging on data-set consisting of irregular distributed points.
crossv - calculate crossvariance-matrices of irregularly sampled dataset
del2vor - transform a Delaunay Triangulation to a Voronoi Tessalation.
delaunay - find first-order neighbors of points in irregular distributed point-set.
deriche - recursive implementation of the Canny filter
disc - pixelwise and contextual classification
disc3D - pixelwise and contextual classification
distmin - calculate global distances in binary images
dmi - cloud classification and interpolation in image sequences
epp - exploratory projection pursuit for multispectral images
flow - compute smooth flow fields
gabor - spatio-temporal gabor filtering
gamv2h - calculate various variograms for irregularly spaced 2-D data
goconcart - performes CART-relaxation on a data-set consisting of points in a regular net.
gogocart - performs CART-classification and CART-relaxation classification
gotree - perform classification by running data through a CART-classification tree.
grabit - grabs a HIPS image sequences using Imaging Technology hardware
grandtour - grand tour for multispectral images
hough - find lines using greytone hough transformation
jefmat - feature selection by means of Jeffreys-Matusitas distance
krig - perform kriging on irregularly sampled data
maf - minimum/maximum autocorrelation factors
mpeg_play - plays mpeg-1 encoded bitstreams using X11
musecc - multiset linear canonical correlation analysis
mvox - visualization and manipulation tool for 2D and 3D image analysis
scart - perform hierarchical classification and regression on hips-sequence.
seed - growing of trainingsets for classification
semivar - calculate 1- and 2D semivariograms
sigma_n - estimate noise covariance matrix of irregularly sampled image
standard - standardize sequence to desired mean and stddev
unmix - linear spectral unmixing