Technical reports 1999
For further information we refer to the Department reception
Niels Chr. Albertsen: Doubly diffracted ray from a hard quarterplane. (9 pp.)
Ricardo D. Fierro, Per Christian Hansen, Peter S. Kirk Hansen:
tools. Matlab templates for rank-revealing UTV decompositions, version
1.0 for Matlab 5.2. (97 pp.)
N.K. Poulsen, M. Rostgaard, A. Hansen, M.B. Lauritsen, M. Xin and U.H.
Thygesen: Spektralfaktorisering.
(42 pp.)
C. Goutte, C. and J. Larsen: Adaptive
metric kernel regression. (26 pp.)
Hans B. Nielsen: Damping
parameter in Marquardt's method. (31 pp.)
Per Chr. Hansen and P.Y. Yalamov: Symmetric rank-revealing decompositions. (This title is not avaible), please notice new version and title: Computing symmetric rank-revealing decompositions via triangular factorization.
Helle Andersen,: Technology management of the development of statistical methods and models for s tandardized preclinical studies. (30 pp.)
Claus Bendtsen and Per G. Thomsen: Numerical solution of differential algebraic equations. (101 pp.)
Henrik Aa. Nielsen, Torben S. Nielsen, Alfred K. Joensen, Henrik Madsen and Jan Holst: Tracking time-varying coefficient-functions. (28 pp.)
Søren Christiansen: Detecting non-uniqueness of solutions to biharmonic integral equations through SVD. (17 pp.)
Lene Sørensen, Pedro C. Borges and R.V.V. Vidal: Methodological issues on climate change mitigation studies. (14 pp.)
Hans Bruun Nielsen: Third scandinavian workshop on linear programming. Extended abstracts. (58 pp.)
C. Goutte, L.K. Hansen, M.G. Liptrot and E. Rostrup:
Feature space clustering for fMRI meta-analysis. (46 pp.)
S. Christiansen:
Derivation and analysis of fifth order quadrature formulas for biharmonic bounda
ry integral operators. (16 pp.)
Per Chr. Hansen:
The L-Curve and its use in the numerical treament of inverse problems. (25 pp.)
A. Larsen, O.B.G. Madsen and M.M. Solomon:
Partially dynamic vehicle routing. Models and algorithms. (16 pp.)
P. Sadegh, H.A. Nielsen and H. Madsen:
A semi-parametric approach for decomposition of absorption spectra in the presence of unknown components. (11 pp.)
Brimberg, J., H. Juel and A. Scoebel:
Linear facility location in three dimensions. - Models and solution methods.
(15 pp.)