Technical reports 2001
For further information we refer to the Department reception
- T.T.D. Le, H. Madsen, B. Rasmussen and B. Sømod: Modellering og analyse af kvælstof i Randers Fjord. (61 pp.)
- Niels Chr. Albertsen: Added mass integral calculated by conformal mapping. (10 pp.)
- Rasmus Larsen and Johan D. Hansen: Operation analysis of insulation materials. (48 pp.)
- Bjarne K. Ersbøll and Knut Conradsen: Analysis of directional data for Rockwool A/S. (36 pp.)
- D. Calvetti, Per Chr. Hansen and L. Reichel:
L-curve curvature bounds via Lanczos bidiagonalization. (14 pp.)
- Thomas Marthedal Rasmussen:
A sequent calculus for signed interval logic.
- M. Bak, Niels K. Poulsen and Ole Ravn:
Path following mobile robot in the presence of velocity constraints. (18 pp.)
- Andreas Schuhmacher, Jørgen Hald, Karsten Bo Rasmussen and Per Christian Hansen:
Sound source reconstruction using inverse boundary element calculations.
- Brian Kallehauge, Jesper Larsen and Oli B.G. Madsen:
Lagrangean duality applied on vehicle routing with time windows. Experimental results. (34 pp.)
- Lene Sørensen, and Rene V.V. Vidal:
Soft methods in primary schools. Focusing on IT strategies. (20 pp.)
- Richardo D. Fierro and Per Christian Hansen:
Truncated VSV solutions to symmetric rank-deficient problems. (10 pp.)
- Michael R. Hansen: The 13th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory. (30 pp.)
- Jakob Andreas Bærentzen:
On the implementation of fast marching methods for 3D lattices. (19 pp.)
- Hanne Riis Nielson: Proceedings of NordSec 2001. (165 pp.)
- Jens Clausen, Jesper Larsen, Allan Larsen and Jesper Hansen:
Disruption management. Operations research between planning and execution. (12 pp.)
- Anne Broen Christensen:
Facilitering i de sjællandske lokale energispareudvalg. (67 pp.)
- Rasmus Larsen and Hrafnkell Eiriksson:
Robust and resistant 2D shape alignment. (8 pp.)
- Michael Løve, Kim Riis Sørensen, Jesper Larsen, Jens Clausen:
Using heuristics to solve the dedicated aircraft recovery problem (19 pp.)