Articles 1997
Selected list of article reprints carried out by department employees.
P.C. Hansen, Tz. Ostromsky,
A. Sameh, and Z. Zlatev: Solving sparse linear least-squares problems on
some supercomputers by using large dense blocks. BIT, volume 37, no.
3, 535-558, 1997
R.D. Fierro and P.C. Hansen: Low-rank revealing UTV decompositions. Numerical
algorithms vol. 15, 37-55, 1997
R.D. Fierro, G.H. Golub, P.C. Hansen, and D.P. O'leary: Regularization
by truncated total least squares. SIAM journal on scientific computing,
vol. 18, no. 4, 1223-1241, 1997
Bischoff, Svend, Knorr, A. and Koch S.W.: Theoretical investigation of
the excitonic semiconductor responce for varying material thickness: Transition
from quantum well to bulk. Physical Rev. B, vol. 55 no. 12, 7715-7725,
Christiansen, P.L., Gaididei, Yu.B.; Johansson, M.; Rasmussen, K.Ø.:
Breatherlike excitations in discrete lattices with noise and nonlinear
damping. Physical Review B, vol. 55, no. 9, 5759-5766, 1997
Balslev Clausen, C.; Bang, Ole; Kivshar, Yu.S.; Christiansen, P.L.: Effect
of a fluctuating phase mismatch on spatial solitons in quadratic media.
Optics Letters, vol. 22, no. 5, 271-273, 1997
Balslev Clausen, C.; Christiansen, P.L.; Torner, L.: Perturbative
approach to the interaction of solitions in quadratic nonlinear media.
Optics Communications 136 (1997) 185-192
Rasmussen, K.Ø; Cai, D.; Bishop, A.R. and Grønbech-Jensen,
N.: Dynamics of nonlinear localized states on finite discrete chains. Physical
Review E 55 (5) (1997) 6151-6154
Hofmann, M.; Bischoff, S.; Franck, T.; Prip, L.; Føjdh, K.;
Brorson, S.D.; Mørk, J: Chirp of monolithic colliding pulse mode-locked
diode lasers. Appl. Phys. Lett. 70 (1997) pp. 2514-2517
Isaksen, Preben; True, H.: On the Ultimate Trasnition to Chaos in
the Dynamics of Cooperrider's Bogie.Chaos, Solitons & Fractals,
Vol. 8 (4) (1997) pp. 559-581
Petraglia A; Pedersen N.F.;Christiansen, P.L.; Ustinov A.V.: Comparative
dynamics of two-dimensional shorted arrays and continuos stacked Josephson
junctions. Physical Rev. B, Vol. 55 (13) (1997)
Gaididei Yu.B.; Mingaleev S.F.;Christiansen, P.L.; Rasmussen,
K.Ø.; Effects of nonlocal dispersive interactions on self-trapping
excitations. Physical Rev. E, Vol. 55 (5) (1997)
Gaididei Yu.B.;Christiansen, P.L.; Rasmussen, K.Ø.; Johansson,
M.: Two-dimensional effects in nonlinear Kronig-Penney models. Physical
Rev. B, Vol. 55 (20) (1997)
Christiansen, P.L.; Grønbech-Jensen, Niels; Malomed, Boris
A.: Oscillations of Eccentric Pulsons. Physica Scripta 55, (1997) 131-134
Abdullaev, F.Kh.; Darmanyan, S.A.; Bischoff, S.; Sørensen,
M.P.: Modulational instability of electromagnetic waves in media with
varying nonlinearity. Optical Society of America 14, (1997) 27-33
Sørensen, M.P.; Rodríguez-Núñez, J.J.:
Anomalous superconductivity in the tJ model; moment approach. Physica
C 274, (1997) 323-330
Albertsen, N.C.; S. Christiansen; Pontoppidan, K.; Sørensen,
S.B.: Mathematical treatment of an adjustable surface formed by a fabric
of interwoven flexible wires, Math.Engng.Ind. 6, no. 2, (1997) 115-132
Albertsen, Niels Christian: Diffraction by a quarterplane of the field
from a halfwave dipole, IEE Proc.-Microw. Antennas Propag., 144 (3)
(1997) 191-196
Christiansen, P.L.; Savin, A.V.; Zolotaryuk, A.V.: Soliton Analysis in
Complex Molecular Systems: A Zig-Zag Chain Journal of computational
Physics, 134 (1997) 108-121
Rasmussen, K.Ø.; Christiansen, P.L.; Johansson, Magnus; Gaididei,
Yuri B.: Effects of Noise on localized excitations in the discrete Nonlinear
Schrödinger system. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Phys. Math. 46, 1/2,
(1997) 111-117
A.B. Ribeiro, A.Aa. Nielsen: An application of discriminant analysis
to pattern recognition of selected contaminated soil features in thin sections,
Geoderma 76 (1997) 253-262
M.L. Fisher, K.O. Joernsten, O.B.G. Madsen: Vehicle routing with
time windows: Two optimization algorithms, Operations Research 45, no.
3, (1997) 488-492
N. Kohl, O.B.G. Madsen: An optimization algorithm for the vehicle
routing problem with time windows based on lagrangian relaxation, Operations
Research 45, no. 3, (1997) 395-406
Ove Edlund, Håkan Ekblom, and Kaj Madsen: Algorithms for non-linear
m-estimation, Computational Statistics 12, (1997) 373-383
Morten B. Lauritsen, Morten Rostgaard, Niels K. Poulsen: GPC using delta-domain
emulator-based approach, International Journal of Control 68 , no. 1,
(1997), 219-232
J.L. Jacobsen, H. Madsen, P. Harremoes: A stochastic model for two-station
hydraulics exhibiting transient impact, Water, Science and Technology
36, 5, 19-26
J.P. Boon, J. van der Meer, C.R. Allchin, R.J. Law, J. Klungsoeyr, P.E.G.
Leondars, H. Spliid, E. Storr-Hansen, C. McKenzie, D.E. Wells: Concentration-dependent
changes of PCB patterns in fish-eating mammals: Structural evidence for
induction of cytochrome P450, Arch.Environ.Contam.Toxicol. 33, 298-
Last modified March 19, 1998